
Understanding the True Meaning of Jihad - 5 characteristics of Jihadist

Understanding the True Meaning of Jihad: 5 Characteristics of Jihadist

The true meaning of Jihad is a term that has been both widely misunderstood and misrepresented in today’s world. Contrary to popular belief, Jihad does not mean “holy war.” Instead, it refers to a personal and communal struggle in the way of righteousness. In Islam, Jihad encompasses various aspects of life, from spiritual self-improvement to

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the maranao people

The Maranao People

Lanao del Sur, Philippines—In the heart of Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), the Maranao people continue to uphold a rich tapestry of culture and tradition, despite facing significant modern challenges. With a population exceeding 2 million, the Maranao community remains a vital part of the Philippines’ cultural landscape, particularly in the provinces surrounding

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