the maranao people

Lanao del Sur, Philippines—In the heart of Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), the Maranao people continue to uphold a rich tapestry of culture and tradition, despite facing significant modern challenges. With a population exceeding 2 million, the Maranao community remains a vital part of the Philippines’ cultural landscape, particularly in the provinces surrounding the serene Lake Lanao.

Preserving Language Amidst Change

The Maranao communication, integral to the identity of this ethnic group, is spoken widely in Lanao del Sur and Lanao del Norte. However, as the world becomes more interconnected, efforts to preserve this linguistic heritage have intensified. Community leaders stress the importance of passing the language on to younger generations.

“Maranao language as our mother tonque contributes to better cognitive skills for bilingual individuals. It helps preserve our cultural identity and heritage. ” says Saaduddin T. Ahmad Kamel, Sr. Interpreter and Translator in multi language (Maranao – Arabic – English – Tagalog).

In everyday conversations, the Maranao language continues to thrive.

For example:

English: “Good morning! How are you?” translates to “Mapiya kapipita! Kumusta ka?

In Arabic “صباح الخير! كيف حالك؟Sabah al-khayr! Kayfa halak? (for addressing a male) Sabah al-khayr! Kayfa halik? (for addressing a female)

A greeting that resonates with the melodic tones characteristic of the Maranao tongue. Educators like Mr. Saaduddin are working tirelessly to ensure that such phrases remain in common use, even as younger generations become more fluent in Filipino, English, and Arabic.

A Legacy of Art and Architecture

The Maranao are perhaps best known for their intricate craftsmanship and distinctive architectural styles. The Malong, a versatile and symbolic piece of clothing, is a staple in Maranao attire. Each Malong is handwoven, featuring vibrant colors and patterns that often reflect the wearer’s social status or the occasion being celebrated.

Equally iconic is the Torogan, the traditional royal house of Maranao nobility. These structures are more than just homes; they are cultural symbols, adorned with the Panolong—a wing-like wooden carving that represents the power and prestige of the family that resides within. However, the Torogan, like much of Maranao culture, faces threats from modernization and the pressures of urban development.

Recently, crochet also has gained popularity among Maranao artisans, blending traditional designs with modern techniques. Maranao women have embraced crochet not only as a form of artistic expression but also as a means of livelihood. Their creations often feature patterns inspired by Maranao motifs, making each piece a unique blend of cultural heritage and contemporary craft.

Crochet preserves cultural identities by passing down traditional patterns and techniques, keeping heritage alive through each handmade piece. As it evolves, it blends old and new, ensuring cultural traditions stay relevant and vibrant.

More Mai Stiches‘ Channel for more Crochet tutorials

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

The Maranao people’s resilience was put to the test during the 2017 Marawi Siege, a conflict that left the city—the heart of Maranao culture—devastated. The siege displaced thousands, destroyed homes, and disrupted the lives of countless Maranao families.

Five years later, the scars of the siege are still visible, but so too is the determination of the Maranao people to rebuild. Reconstruction efforts are ongoing, with a focus on restoring not just physical structures, but also the cultural and social fabric of the community.

Economic Contributions and Modern Challenges

Found In the economic survey at MSEOC, the Maranao have made significant strides, particularly in the Halal business. Halal-certified products from BARMM are gaining recognition both locally and internationally, providing a vital source of income for the community. However, entrepreneurs face challenges, including access to broader markets and competition from larger, more established brands even in the new digital ear of SEO expert or search engine marketing,

“There is a strong demand for Halal products, not just from Muslims but from anyone looking for quality and trust,” says Ustadh Luqman Bin Usman Imam, MA, SCL, a Maranao businessman involved in the Halal industry. He is the President of Philippine Ulama Congress Organization Inc. (PUCOI)[] “Our products are a reflection of our culture and our faith. But to thrive, we need more support and better infrastructure.”

Cultural Preservation To A Collective Effort

In response to these challenges, there is a growing movement among the Maranao to preserve their cultural heritage. This includes everything from language education programs to initiatives aimed at documenting and promoting traditional crafts. There are also efforts to integrate Maranao history and cultural studies into the local school curriculum, ensuring that future generations remain connected to their roots.

Community leaders are also advocating for the preservation of Maranao customs and traditions in the face of modernization. “Our culture is our strength,” says Abdullah Dimaporo[info], a cultural activist in Lanao del Sur. “We must protect it, not just for ourselves, but for the generations to come.”

“Indeed, with hardship comes ease.” (Qur’an 94:6)

Looking Forward

As the Maranao people navigate the challenges of the 21st century[info], their commitment to preserving their culture remains steadfast. While modernization and globalization present undeniable challenges, they also offer opportunities for the Maranao to share their rich heritage with the world.

The resilience and cultural pride of the Maranao people serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving cultural identity in an ever-changing world. As they continue to rebuild and adapt, the Maranao people remain a testament to the enduring strength of their traditions,

May Allah guide us all towards understanding, respect, and unity. Ameen.

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